The hour and year both can be consider as a unit of time. The Hour which is sometime can be referred by hr. It is a unit of time which is equal to the 1 / 24 part of a day, 60 minutes and 3600 second. Day, minutes and seconds are also a unit of time. Normally, time is a important part of life, on the basis of time we decide our lots of work in a real world life. Generally time is measured on a pattern of two twelve hour segments of a day. The first segment of is denoted by AM and second segment is denoted by PM.
On the other side Year can be describe as a time of the earth which is taken to make one move around the sun. According to various scientist’s, a year is equal to the 365 days and 6 hours but remaining 6 hours can’t be calculated in a year. After each 4 year, one year become the year of 366 days because 6 hours of each year make a one day which is added into every 4thyear. Every 4th year is equal to 366 days popularly known as leap year.
Here in this section discussion held on how many hours in a year. After discussing about hour and year we can easily elaborate the answer of above question. As we know that one year is equal to 365 days and one day is equal to 24 hours. So, we can easily calculate that how many hours in a year in the below given manner.
Hours in a year = 24 * 365 = 8760 hours
If we want to calculate hours in a leap year then it could be 8784 hours in a year.
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