Tuesday 10 July 2012

Define Complex Number

The complex number can be defined as such a number that we can frame in the form of the p + qi in which p and q are the numbers which lie on the real line while i is known as the imaginary unit. It should be known that i * i = i2 = -1. In the form written above for the complex number p is known as the real part of the complex no. whereas q is known as the imaginary part of this number.(want to Learn more about Complex Number, click here)

It can be said that the complex numbers are the ones which help in extending the thought of the number line which is one dimensional to the plane which is complex by utilizing the x axis for the part which is real and by utilizing the y axis for the part which is imaginary.
We can identify any complex number of the form p + qi by any point represented by ( p, q ). It should be known that such a complex no. the real part of which is equal to 0 is known as purely imaginary while such a complex no. the imaginary part of which is equal to zero is simply known as any real number. Thus we can say that the complex numbers include just the simple real numbers but extend them for solving such problems which in general can’t be solved by just the real numbers.  

Now let us take an example of the complex no. say 2 + 3i. Thus in this example 2 is known as the real part of the complex no. whereas 3 is known as the imaginary part of the complex no.. To get area of a rectangle we need to understand formula for area of a rectangle. You can get icse syllabus for class 8 on various online educational portal and In the next session we will discuss about Rational Function.

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