Wednesday 13 June 2012

Learn Adding Integers

In the previous post we have discussed about How to Divide Mixed Numbers and In today's session we are going to discuss about Learn Adding Integers. Let us first talk about the integers. Integers are the numbers which extends from negative integers to positive integer. Here we also observe that every integer has the successor and the predecessor. We can get the successor of any integer by adding 1 to the previous integer and the predecessor can be attained by subtracting 1 from the given integer. Now let us learn about the logics of adding integers.  When we have to add the two given integers, we need to follow certain rules of addition.  When the addition of two integers is to be done, we say that the following rules of addition apply:  (know more about Integer, here)
1.      If both the integers are positive integers, then we will add the two numerical values and the sum of the two integers is a positive integer. Eg : +3 + 6 = + 9
2.      If both the integers are negative integers, then we will add the two numerical values and the sum of the two integers is a negative integer.  Eg: -5 – 4 = -9
3.      If one of the integers is a positive integer and the other is a negative integer, then we will find the difference of the two numerical values and place the sign of the number which has the larger magnitude. Thus by finding the difference of the two integers we will  get the sum of the two integers with the different signs. Eg : -9 + 4 = -5 and  +9 + ( -5) = +4 Ans
 To learn about the Arithmetic Mean, we say that  the concept and the real life applications of the Arithmetic mean can be learned by the help of online math tutors which are available every time. We can also take the help of CBSE Board Previous Year Question Papers to understand the pattern of the previous year question papers.

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